Neil Breen Double Down Download


  1. To see Double Down is to see Neil Breen. More than just its peculiarly unrugged lead actor, he is its director, co-editor, production designer, production manager, location manager, caster and caterer. Hence, he is unquestionably its auteur.
  2. 'Neil Breen is an American film actor, director and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, starring in his self-produced films Fateful Findings, I Am Here Now, and Double Down. Breen came late to film-making, having previously worked as a real estate agent and architect.
  3. Reviews, analysis, tips, fave directors, lists, script ideas, stuff about French actresses plus dramas, soaps, reality shite, gameshows, sitcoms and rants about how there are thousands of channels and still there's nothing decent on.
  4. Neil Breen @NeilBreen. PASS THRU,My 4th feature film as writer,director, prod. My 3 films DOUBLE DOWN,I AM HERE NOW. Twitter may be over.
  1. Double Down Movie Neil Breen
  2. Neil Breen Double Down Download Torrent

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Neil Breen’s (“Pass Thru”) second film is actually called “I Am Here….Now” (trailer below). It’s fantastic from the moment you notice the error in the title. In the title! This is a crazy movie. It opens with Jesu
not Jesus coming from outer space in a paper weight (yep) to stop corruption and literally lay with a prostitute. Also this movie has an environmental message. This is one of the crazier movies we’ve reviewed on this show. Judith Benezra (TV’s Chuck) and Adam Felber (Radio’s NPR) guest review and HATE this movie. I loved every second.

Neil Breen's Double Down full movie Found this online somewhere randomly and stitched it together from 2 files then converted to use h265. Please consider supporting Neil Breen if you like these movies and want him to continue to make stuff like this. Watch Neil Breen Movies Free Online - Browse movies starring Neil Breen to watch online for free.

Watch the movie below.

Here’s the plot from the Neil Breen movie on IMDB –

“Disappointed by its creation, the almighty being that created Man arrives on Earth in a human form and interacts with various troubled, wicked and sinful people on his journey to Vegas.”

Neil Breen Double Down Download


Here’s Neil Breen’s bio from Wiki:


Double Down Movie Neil Breen

Neil Breen is an American film actor, architect, director and writer. He is best known for writing, directing, and starring in his self-produced films Fateful Findings, I Am Here…Now, and Double Down.[1] Breen came late to film-making, having previously worked as a real estate agent and architect.[2][3] His releases thus far have been considered cult films.[4][5][6]

Breen did not attend film school and considers himself to be a low-budget filmmaker who is not a part of Hollywood‘s “insider’s group.”[3] He makes his living as an architect in Las Vegas and funds his films from the money he makes from that profession.[1][3] He has noted that there is a common misconception that he is a real estate agent; according to Breen, he earned a real estate license, but only briefly worked as a real estate agent.[3] Breen’s films tend to pit his morally upstanding protagonists against powerful institutions.[1] He says that his films have a “sense of social responsibility” and reflect the “mystical or paranormal side of life.”[3]

Breen gained notoriety after his first film, Double Down, became a part of Netflix‘s library.[5] Since then, his films have been picked up by arthouse theaters and film festivals, including the 2012 “Butt-Numb-A-Thon.”[5] In Paste Magazine‘s 2014 list of the 100 best B movies, Breen’s film I Am Here Now was ranked 21st.[7] The author noted that he thought that Breen would one day earn a place in the “terrible movie hall of fame” alongside Ed Wood and Tommy Wiseau.[7] Breen’s third film, “Fateful Findings,” was compared to Wiseau’s The Room by the former film’s North American distributor.[1]

Breen is currently planning to release his latest film, Pass-Thru, which completed filming in October 2015.

BTW I asked the director for an interview. He said yes and was nice enough to let me buy a copy. Which I treasure. He started his third film so I didn’t get a chance to talk to him before posting this episode. I held it for a long time. I hope this doesn’t discourage the interview. This is truly terrific bad film.

Neil Breen Double Down Download Torrent

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Turns out one of the women in the movie is a real honest to goodness actress. We apologize and present you with Elizabeth Sekora’s acting reel. Please hire her.